Saturday, December 29, 2007

The History of Christendom, Volume 1: The Founding of Christendom, by Warren Carroll

At last! After literally years of reading and perusing dreary histories of Christianity evidently written by nonbelievers, I finally found this set.

As far as I know, The History of Christendom is the only competent history in English that is written from the perspective of an actual Christian ("Triumph" was well meaning, but not very good history, and I was unable to finish it). The astounding truth and significance of the incarnation gives meaning and excitement to every word of the text, which is packed with good reliable information, including wonderful footnotes. The first volume, which is called The Founding of Christendom, goes from the beginning of the world through the end of the apostolic age, and contains fascinating footnotes concerning a lot of the scholarly fads in biblical interpretation.

This is the set you must have for yourself and your children.

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